I have what might be an unusual request.
I am getting ready to put together my next book called MANCHILD 4. And I thought it would be really great if I could re-print an assortment of the kind of stuff I drew back in the eighties when I was a punk rock pen pal who drew little silly cartoons. I have a humorous article that I have written, put aside for this event. But I need help to pull it off.
For anyone out there that might remember writing to me, trading stuff with me and having me draw stuff for you: Is there anyway that you can reach into that box of old stuff that everybody no doubt has, and pull out that old Brian Walsby drawing that I did for you twenty years or so ago? And if you have been able to do that, would it be too much to ask for a scan of said drawing and send it to me for the possibility of having it be re-printed in the next book that I am about to do?
my e-mail address is:
individual credit will of course be given for the help. A 300 dpi jpeg would do nicely. My goal here is to have a affectionate look back into my past, with a dash of humor involved, and that is pretty much it.
thanks for your time!